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The Power of Animated Video Marketing

The Power of Animated Video Marketing

July 30, 2024

Animated video production can be highly transformational for brand comms.

And we're not just talking about turning complex ideas into engaging content, cute cartoons, or flashy visuals. It's about crafting meaningful narratives that resonate with your audience.

Digital animation offers a unique blend of creativity and strategy. It's versatile, adaptable, and can be tailored to fit any platform. From web and social media to email campaigns, animated videos can enhance your brand's visibility, credibility, and authority.

Done right, animated videos can evoke emotions, tell stories, and create memorable experiences like no other medium. They can turn warm leads into excited viewers, and customers into brand advocates.

In this article, we'll explore the power of animated video marketing. We'll delve into its benefits, its role in the customer journey, and how to measure its success.

If you're interested in the hard facts, here are 68 video facts that every marketer should know.

Why animated video production is a game-changer for marketers

Animated video production offers a unique way to stand out and make an impression. It's not just about being different, it's about being memorable.

A good video can make a brand relatable, and your message more accessible to your audience. It's a game-changer for all industries, not just for businesses dealing with complex products or services.

Here's why:

  • Animated videos are engaging: They can hold viewers' attention longer than text or static images.
  • They evoke emotions: Good storytelling can make viewers feel connected to your brand.
  • They're versatile: Animated videos can be used across various platforms, from your website to social media channels.
  • They're shareable: If your video is entertaining or informative, viewers are more likely to share it.

In a nutshell, animated video production can give your marketing strategy a significant boost. It's a tool that can help you reach your audience in a more engaging and effective way.

Example: MThree, Alumni Program

The flexibility of digital animation across platforms

Animated video is not confined to a single platform. The same asset can be repurposed across digital channels. This flexibility is one of the reasons why it's so effective in marketing (and maximises ROI).

If you've produced an animated explainer video for your website, consider reproducing the animation in social friendly formats. For example, like creating highly engaging short looping snippets for LinkedIn.

Videos of less than 30 seconds auto loop on LinkedIn, and by creating a seamless loop your target audience will see your message many times over, increasing brand awareness.

Crafting emotional connections through storytelling

Every marketer knows that storytelling can be a very effective tool. However, when it comes to video they often miss a crucial aspect. Animation is just the medium - the way the story is told is what will resonate with your audience.

Here are some questions to consider.

  • Narrow your audience: who will respond most positively to your brand message?
  • See the word through their eyes: how do they see the problem, and the solution?
  • Use their language: how relatable is the language you're using?
  • Excite your audience: what can you say that will cultivate the most excitement?

One of the other powers of animation is the ability to create characters, scenarios, and worlds that reflect your brand's personality. These too can help forge an emotional connection with your audience. But remember, they are means of which to tell the story; always put the story first.

In essence, animated videos can make your brand more relatable. They can evoke emotions that drive engagement and ultimately, conversions. It's all about crafting a story that your audience can connect with.

Here are 10 inspiring B2B examples to fuel your inspiration.

And here is a B2C example: Zurich, Youth Against Carbon.

The role of an animated video production agency

An animated video production agency plays a crucial role in creating effective motion narratives. They bring together a team that are experts in one core skill. Think scriptwriters, concept artists, illustrators, animators (2D and 3D) and sound designers.

Moreover, a production agency will know how to get the most out of each of these core skills and create an overall synergy. And they will also handle everything from concept development to final production.

Working with an agency ensures that your video is of high quality. It also saves you the time and effort of trying to create a video in-house.

In short, a good video production agency knows how to create highly effective and engaging content.

Example: RIBA, The Future Is All About Connections

Maximising brand visibility with shareable animated content

Animated videos are not just engaging, they're also highly shareable. This makes them a powerful tool for increasing your brand's visibility. When people share your videos, they're essentially doing your marketing for you.

It goes without saying that the more engaging the video is with your target audience, the more likely they are to share it. People share content that says something about them. So give them something to say.

Social media platforms often favour video content too, meaning your animated videos are more likely to appear in people's feeds. This is a great way to reach a wider audience without spending extra on advertising.

Animated videos in the customer journey: awareness to conversion

Animated videos can play a huge role at every stage of the customer journey. From the initial awareness stage, they can grab attention and spark interest in your brand.

In the consideration stage, they provide the emotional connection and proof points needed to justify decision-making. A prime example is animated explainer videos.

And in the decision stage, animated videos can give your product/service a tangible quality that's hard to match with other mediums.

Measuring the success of your animated video marketing efforts

To understand the impact of your animated video marketing, it's crucial to measure its success. At the initial brief stage, ask yourself: "How will I know when my video has been successful?"

This questions helps inform which KPIs to monitor (like views, shares, likes, comments, engagement, conversions). Consider which metrics best demonstrate ROI, as well as how your audience is engaging with your content.

But don't stop at surface-level metrics. Dig deeper to understand the real impact. Look at how your videos are driving traffic to your website, increasing time spent on page, and boosting conversion rates.

Remember, the ultimate goal of your animated video marketing efforts is to drive business results. So, always tie your metrics back to your broader business goals.

Choosing the right animated video production agency: tips and tricks

Choosing the right animated video production agency can make the difference between success and starting over... Unfortunately, we're not joking. We've had many clients over the years scrap the project and start again with another agency.

It's not just about who can create the most visually stunning videos. It's about finding a partner who understands your brand, your audience, and your goals.

Here are a few tips to help you make the right choice:

  • Look at their portfolio: Do you like their videos? Does it fit with your brand quality?
  • Check their client testimonials: What do their past clients say about them?
  • Ask about their process: How do they approach animated video production? How do they handle revisions?

You'll also get a good sense for them on a call. Note what questions they ask and how invested they appear in your brand goals. This is a telltale sign they are worth their salt.

Conclusion: embracing the future of animated video Production

The role of animated video production in marketing will only grow. It's proven its worth time and time again as a powerful tool that can help brands connect with their audience in a meaningful way.

If you'd like to know more about how to make the most of video contact, contact us.

You might also like our blog on how to boost engagement using animated promo videos.

And here's a lovely example to end with: Association of British Insurers, The Power Of Pensions.