4 frequently asked questions when running a video marketing campaign

4 frequently asked questions when running a video marketing campaign

June 26, 2024

Let's dive into the 4 frequently asked questions clients ask agencies when they’re setting a video marketing campaign live.

1. Will I need different file types for YouTube, presentations, website etc?

The agency produce content for a whole range of platforms. So, they’ll understand what you need. Although it’s worth having that conversation early on as the video may need to be designed differently from the start. This might be because you’re showing it at an event, running an ad campaign or using cinema advertising. Each one requires a specific format. In almost all cases, the agency will provide you with a high-quality H.265 codec MOV (the best performing codex). This can be used across all social media channels or uploaded to your website server.

2. How long before I can expect to see results from a social media video marketing campaign?

If you’re creating an advert to drive traffic to your website, you may want to consider asking the agency to run an ad campaign. Thousands of videos are uploaded daily.So, unless you have a strong social media presence, it’s unlikely your video production or animation will ‘go viral’. The agency will specialise in the main platforms, like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. They can advise you on how best to target your audience.

3. How can I evaluate how it is doing comparatively, with my competitors say?

Views matter, but engagement matters more. A very bad video will no doubt have a high view count, but for all the wrong reasons. Early on, the agency will establish your success criteria. So, you can keep tabs on how the animation or film is performing for what’s important to you. This might be more contact form submissions, downloads or clicks through to your site.

4. What sort of things could we be doing differently to improve results for our video marketing campaign?

You may want to have a look at placement if the video has been designed for the right purpose and aligned with your audience and brand. Moving the video to a more prominent position on the website will make it work harder for you. It’s also worth looking into ad campaigns. Although campaigns work best when the media has been designed specifically for that purpose. There is merit in asking the agency to explore using an explainer video to increase audience engagement. If the content has been designed specifically for an ad campaign, the agency will have set-out a plan to monitor and funnel the targeting criteria to produce the highest engagement and best click-through rates.

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